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Authentic Leadership: simple, but not easy

Cherie Neyrey

For the last decade or so "authenticity," the act of being authentic, is a buzz word used to describe leader transparency and accessibility. Authentic is a synonym for genuine. The idea of being genuine usually resonates with leaders. You mean I can lead AND be myself?

It's not as simple as it sounds. Most "authentic leaders" I know are guarded - at least to some degree. There is a desire to be seen as flawless. They strive to show only the best versions of themselves to others. Not to say they're not great people or really good leaders, but "authentic?" We are all broken. We all make mistakes. We all want to be seen in a good light.

As I thought about this topic this week, I've reflected on Reverend Martin Luther King. I can't help but think about his leadership. Talk about genuine. Talk about authentic. And his vision for a better, more united country has resonated with me for as long as I can remember. More love, less hate. Simple, right? But not easy.

As leaders we have a responsibility to our "followers." Once you're a leader, people who follow you will do so regardless of your path. What kind of leader do you want to be? A leader who leads people to love? Or a leader who leads peopl

e to hate?

I pick love. So here I am, my authentic, broken self. I'm praying for our country. I'm praying for our leaders. I'm praying for more love and less hate.

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